Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day Eighteen - Warrrior Poet

This one's a photo manipulation. During a power outage awhile back, Kristin & I huddled around the oil lamps and fireplace and donned our warmest robes (hence the lighting and the hood) and Kristin took a bunch of pictures, playing with the low-light settings on the digital camera. So this one's a joint effort, photo by Kristin, Photoshop by Scott.

Today was kinda' dreamy anyway, so this really is fitting. Kind of went through it in a haze and now I can't sleep (again) and looks like I won't be anytime soon anyway (again) so here it is 3:00 am or so and there's no sign of the Sandman. But that's ok, if I see him, I got my trusty Lightsaber!!!

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