A fair question: Why do I do this?
My friend Cassie introduced me to this idea, the Project 365 concept, not intentionally, but rather by example. It's a neat idea: a photo a day that sums up your day in a single image, a photographic diary, posted for all to see... but that's not really why.
It occurs to me that I already have a couple of blogs, do I really need another one? One that on the one hand invites the viewer so intimately into my world and on the other hand is filled with images and half-glimpses of my world that even my wife might not even be able to decode unless she looked back and realized after the fact why I was taking pictures of my feet that day, or the toadstools, or whathaveyou.
Andre Condrescu famously warns that the exhibitionists are beginning to outnumber the voyeurs, and that is an unstable paradigm. He's right. But this isn't about exhibitionism.
Simply put, this is a time I feel that I need to document. I've a feeling that more will happen between now and next September than has happened in all the time that has accumulated since I left High School. My life has entered a phase where I don't know from one day to the next what challenges I or my loved ones will face. What I now look back and see as a period of relative peace is passed. This is a place where I will chart the course, and later come back to see how it happened.
Also not a little of what I call imagining out loud will happen here. I don't pretend that my reflections will mean anything to anyone but me. Look if you wish, turn away if you don't. I'm not an exhibitionist. This is me, this is who I am, this is what's happening, and this... this is 24/7/365.
1 comment:
*sigh* Now you have ME doing it.
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